Featured image for “The new vanguard protecting historic sites from sea level rise: Volunteers”
June 27, 2019

The new vanguard protecting historic sites from sea level rise: Volunteers

The Heritage Monitoring Scouts are helping the state decide which pieces of history to save and which to abandon.…

Featured image for “The Navy is on the front lines of adapting to climate change”
June 27, 2019

The Navy is on the front lines of adapting to climate change

“Climate change will affect the Department of Defense’s ability to defend the Nation and poses immediate risks to U.S. national…

Featured image for “Why US carbon dioxide emissions are back on the rise”
June 27, 2019

Why US carbon dioxide emissions are back on the rise

What’s good for today’s economy isn’t so great for tomorrow’s earth.…

Featured image for “‘Retreat’ not an option for a California beach town, but it’s already happening in Duval County”
June 27, 2019

‘Retreat’ not an option for a California beach town, but it’s already happening in Duval County

The city of Jacksonville is offering to buy out homes in a flood-prone riverfront neighborhood.…

Featured image for “Sandy soil and rising seas spell septic tank disaster in Florida”
June 27, 2019

Sandy soil and rising seas spell septic tank disaster in Florida

The race is on to deal with Florida’s 2.6 million ticking stink bombs.…

Featured image for “As seas rise, Florida will likely lose more coastal property value than any other state”
June 27, 2019

As seas rise, Florida will likely lose more coastal property value than any other state

As coastal property values drop, the economic effects could ripple inland.…

Featured image for “Real estate and sea level rise: A buyer’s guide”
June 27, 2019

Real estate and sea level rise: A buyer’s guide

In Florida, sellers don’t have to disclose flood damage. So how can buyers assess the risk?…

Featured image for “‘Lift that nest up’: Florida’s endangered birds threatened by floods”
June 27, 2019

‘Lift that nest up’: Florida’s endangered birds threatened by floods

The Florida grasshopper sparrow is the continent’s most endangered bird. Climate change isn’t helping.…

June 27, 2019

Check Your Flood Risk

No excerpt…

Featured image for “These eco-friendly homes are built to weather the storm”
June 27, 2019

These eco-friendly homes are built to weather the storm

A South Florida builder is trying to make prefabricated chic.…

Featured image for “Downtown Jacksonville ADAPTS”
June 27, 2019

Downtown Jacksonville ADAPTS

A riverfront hospital is bulking up its flood protection after nearly having to evacuate during Hurricane Irma.…

Featured image for “St. Augustine ADAPTS”
June 27, 2019

St. Augustine ADAPTS

In a city whose livelihood depends on its past, it pays to keep history above water.…

Featured image for “The Beaches ADAPT”
June 27, 2019

The Beaches ADAPT

Some homeowners and city officials in Duval County’s coastal towns are taking rising seas seriously.…