November 21, 2024PHOTO ESSAY | What happens after Jacksonville flushesIn Jacksonville, flushing the toilet is the beginning of a journey to the St. Johns River. Before it becomes one…By Will Brown
September 16, 2024Jax area rainfall already above average before September delugeEven before the extremely wet beginning of September, August in North Florida had marked a return to above-average rainfall across…By Dan Scanlan
July 11, 2024Region remains abnormally dry despite recent rainJEA and the St. Johns River Water Management District are asking residents to conserve water until regular rainfall returns.…By Dan Scanlan
May 16, 2024It seems rainy lately, but we’re actually drier than normalApril was the third consecutive month of below-average rainfall for parts of the St. Johns River Water Management District.…By Dan Scanlan
July 20, 2022OPINION | Think you can’t fight City Hall? Remember the Red ShirtsThere is a lot of frustration with government these days. Inflation and the lingering effects of the pandemic have many…By Rob Bradley