Dennis Ho Photographer email
Dennis Ho is an experienced freelance photographer and design professional with experience in the education management industry.
Featured image for “PHOTO ESSAY | Eastside Jax ‘on the right path’”
KaCheryl Gantt, born and raised on the Eastside, is the sole proprietor of the Avenue Grille on A. Philip Randolph, and has simultaneously run the kitchen and cash register for nine years. “It’s been good actually for me,” she says, referring to the 2019 announcement of a new soccer stadium to be built nearby. “Everyday it’s been getting better. I didn’t even have to close during Covid.” Because her family owns property close to the construction site, Gantt stands to gain from the eventual opening of the stadium. But it’s the citizens of the Eastside that keep her restaurant going. “As long as I have the support of the neighborhood, I don’t see myself leaving.”
August 31, 2022

PHOTO ESSAY | Eastside Jax ‘on the right path’

Photos and captions by Dennis Ho | Editing by Matthew Shaw | Intro by Jessica Palombo The Eastside, or Out…

Featured image for “PHOTO ESSAY | Hauling It”
May 3, 2022

PHOTO ESSAY | Hauling It

A driver shortage in Jacksonville triggered missed garbage pickups by the thousands. Through it all, the men and women who…

Featured image for “PHOTO ESSAY | The Skyway in Transit”
Jamar Gassett was making his way downtown from Kings Station in San Marco. Standing in the parking lot, he heard the train approaching and ran up to the platform, just making the train before the doors closed. He was looking for a job and explained that he has a son to support. “Right now my son is acting up, and I’ll take anything.”
February 16, 2022

PHOTO ESSAY | The Skyway in Transit

As the pace of development in the city’s urban core continues to ramp up, Jacksonville’s Downtown is beginning to look…