
UNF officially inaugurates Moez Limayem as president

Published on April 14, 2023 at 4:30 pm
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The University of North Florida officially celebrated the inauguration of Moez Limayem as the university’s seventh presidenton Friday. 

The event included a processional of faculty, staff and students through campus, the installation of Limayem as president, his inaugural address and a campus celebration that included 10 $2,500 scholarships given to students.

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The theme of the celebration was “Soaring Higher Together.” Limayem expressed his goal for the university to rise in national prominence to a Top 100 spot in annual rankings by U.S. News & World Report.

UNF serves nearly 17,000 students on a 1,381-acre campus surrounded by nature in Southeast Jacksonville. Limayem is a former business school dean at the University of South Florida who took over as UNF’s president last summer.

Limayem on Friday emphasized four strategic areas of focus for the university: student success, research and innovation, community partnerships, and faculty and staff success. He said UNF has already received gift commitments that will exceed its fundraising goal of $25 million for this fiscal year.

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