The staff of the Downtown Development Review Board has given a thumbs down to a new version of a mixed-use property that has drawn heavy opposition from residents of San Marco and the Southbank over its self-storage component.
Ahead of a special DDRB meeting scheduled for 3 p.m. April 9 at the Main Library Downtown, a staff report recommends denial of a request for a rezoning to Planned Unit Development for the project, at 1004 Hendricks Ave., at the southwest corner of Prudential Drive and Hendricks Avenue.
The 10-floor project would include 136,000 square feet of self-storage on the third through sixth floors, 100 multifamily units on the seventh through 10th floors, parking on the second floor and 14,500 square feet of ground-floor retail or office space. Some of the residential units would be designated as affordable housing.
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