An almost $21 million project to widen Alta Drive on the city’s Northside is done, giving residents a new divided thoroughfare.
The Jacksonville Transportation Authority held the official ribbon cutting for the MobilityWorks project early on Tuesday at the 2-mile-long section of roadway from just south of Faye Road north to Burkit Lane.
Florida Department of Transportation figures show an average 3,400 vehicles a day travel that stretch of Alta Drive just north of Interstate 295, past multiple subdivisions and business parks. The roadway has also become a popular route to newer subdivisions in the city’s Northside off I-295.

The JTA widened the 2-lane road into a six-lane, divided route from I-295 to Faye Road. The widening was limited to a 4-lane divided roadway north to Ashgrove Road, then a five-lane roadway to Burkit Lane.
The project also features bicycle lanes, sidewalks and a closed drainage system. An upgraded traffic signal was also added at Faye and Misty Marsh Drive.