OneJax Institute, a organization dedicated to diversity in the community, is separating from the University of North Florida as the state tries to strip higher education of diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
OneJax will reestablish itself as a separate nonprofit. “The current political climate in our state is impacting every state university, and we do not want the core mission and vision of our 53-year-old organization to be restrained or restricted,” Executive Director Kyle Reese said in a statement Wednesday.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has threatened to eliminate all state funding of diversity, equity and inclusion programs at public colleges and universities — a move he said would leave the programs to “wither on the vine.”
His administration directed all institutions to report the amount of money spent on staff, programs and campus activities related to those areas.
Information submitted by UNF showed $3,518,349 in diversity-related expenses, according to a review by WJCT News. The largest expense was $1.3 million for OneJax, but the state pays none of those expenses.
Reese stressed that OneJax has been responsible for raising its own operating money ever since it joined with UNF in 2012. “These funds make it possible for the organization to offer programs and services to help Jacksonville become a diverse and inclusive community — one where everyone has equal opportunity,” the OneJax statement said.
OneJax describes its mission as “achieving civility, understanding and respect for all people,” according to its website. “We work to increase respect and improve relationships among people who represent the rich menagerie of religious, ethnic, racial and cultural groups that compose our community,” the organization says.
The institute has offered interfaith programs, humanitarian awards, youth programs and community building events, among other programs. OneJax is in a good financial position and expects to continuing raising the operating funds it needs, Reese said.
Many UNF students have rebelled against the state’s moves and participated in a statewide walkout almost two weeks ago. They challenged UNF President Moez Limayem to preserve all of UNF’s diversity and equity programs.
Limayem said he aims to find alternative funding if the state withdraws money — provided that state law allows him to do so. He said the university will follow any law that comes down from the Florida Legislature.
In the statement Wednesday, Limayem said OneJax and the university “part as friends, and I wish OneJax well as it continues to pursue its work in the greater Jacksonville community.”
Limayem said it’s his experience that affiliations like the one between UNF and OneJax shift over time. “This is not an unusual occurrence,” he said.