Nichole Manna - The Tributary
Nichole Manna is The Tributary’s criminal justice reporter. You can reach her at or on Twitter at @NicholeManna.
Featured image for “After scrutiny, Duval jail adds medical staff to bolster care”
The Duval County jail. | Andrew Pantazi, The Tributary
February 24, 2025

After scrutiny, Duval jail adds medical staff to bolster care

The National Commission on Correctional Health Care has taken the jail off probation.…

Featured image for “Duval jail settles lawsuit for $300K in inmate’s death”
Inmate Dexter Barry didn’t receive his anti-rejection medications while in the Duval County jail. He died a few days after he was released. | Courtesy photo via the Tributary
February 7, 2025

Duval jail settles lawsuit for $300K in inmate’s death

Jail inmate Dexter Barry never received the medication he needed after a heart transplant. He died a few days later.…

Featured image for “Deaths decline at Duval jail under new medical provider”
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility.
January 17, 2025

Deaths decline at Duval jail under new medical provider

Fifteen people died in the Duval County jail in 2023, compared with seven in 2024.…

Featured image for “Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office sued over strip search”
Internal affairs investigators interviewed Officer Nicholas Hackley after he stripped-searched a man on a public street. | Screenshot from Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
May 10, 2024

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office sued over strip search

Ronnie Reed alleges his constitutional rights were violated when officers searched him on a public street during a drug investigation.…

Featured image for “Jacksonville police officers disciplined for strip search”
A screenshot from body-worn camera footage shows Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office police preparing to strip search Ronnie Reed. | Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
April 8, 2024

Jacksonville police officers disciplined for strip search

An internal investigation concluded that two officers violated policy when they pulled down a man’s pants on a public road…

Featured image for “Drug verdict overturned after prosecutors overstep”
The Duval County Courthouse. | Cyd Hoskinson, WJCT News 89.9
February 15, 2024

Drug verdict overturned after prosecutors overstep

Prosecutors Richard Giglio and Joseph Licandro distored evidence by repeatedly referring to the defendant’s previous arrest, an appellate court ruled.…

Featured image for “City Council gives officeholders power over lawsuits”
February 14, 2024

City Council gives officeholders power over lawsuits

Legislation approved Tuesday will make it harder for the city of Jacksonville to settle lawsuits without approval of the office…

Featured image for “Panel softens bill that would give sheriff power in lawsuits”
Lara Mattina, organizational strategic executive for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, and Gaby Young from the General Counsel's Office speak to City Council's Rules Committee on Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. | Nichole Manna, The Tributary
February 6, 2024

Panel softens bill that would give sheriff power in lawsuits

Sheriff T.K. Waters had requested legislation that would give him approval over any lawsuit settlements involving his office.…

Featured image for “Lawsuit blames jail for inmate’s death after missing medication”
Dexter Barry is shown in a police car. | The Tributary
February 1, 2024

Lawsuit blames jail for inmate’s death after missing medication

A federal lawsuit against Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters accuses the jail of violating the rights of heart transplant patient Dexter…

Featured image for “Sheriff wants more power over lawsuit settlements”
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is investigating a police shooting of a man in Arlington.
February 1, 2024

Sheriff wants more power over lawsuit settlements

City legislation would give Jacksonville officials the ability to veto whether a lawsuit involving their office is settled before a…

Featured image for “City will pay $200,000 for FAMU student killed by police”
Jamee Johnson. | Taken from family's GoFundMe, via The Tributary
November 8, 2023

City will pay $200,000 for FAMU student killed by police

Jamee Johnson, a Florida A&M student, was shot to death during a traffic stop in 2019.…

Featured image for “Lawmakers call for federal investigation of Duval jail”
The Duval County jail.
August 23, 2023

Lawmakers call for federal investigation of Duval jail

State Rep. Angie Nixon and state Sen. Tracie Davis asked the Department of Justice to investigate after an increase in…

Featured image for “Duval jail faulted for ‘minimal’ review of deaths”
The Duval County jail. | Jacksonville Daily Record
August 21, 2023

Duval jail faulted for ‘minimal’ review of deaths

A national accrediting agency found the jail took too long to review deaths and failed to meet national standards.…

Featured image for “Jail health care provider cited for slew of contract violations”
July 28, 2023

Jail health care provider cited for slew of contract violations

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office notified Armor Correctional Health Services that it violated its contract to provide health care at the…

Featured image for “National accrediting agency put Duval jail on probation, records show”
July 27, 2023

National accrediting agency put Duval jail on probation, records show

The National Commission on Correctional Health Care warned the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office three months ago that the jail’s medical care…

Featured image for “Duval jail will dump troubled Armor health provider”
July 25, 2023

Duval jail will dump troubled Armor health provider

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office intends to end its contract with Armor Correctional Health Care, which is accused of denying inmates…

Featured image for “Duval jail kept medical provider despite lawsuits and deaths”
June 15, 2023

Duval jail kept medical provider despite lawsuits and deaths

Jacksonville leaders signed two contracts with Armor Correctional Health Services despite 570 lawsuits and inmate deaths across the country.…

Featured image for “Florida opens investigation into Duval County jail’s medical provider”
June 2, 2023

Florida opens investigation into Duval County jail’s medical provider

Armor Correctional Services failed to report that it was convicted in the death of a Milwaukee inmate in October 2022.…

Featured image for “Duval inmate dies after missing transplant medication”
May 26, 2023

Duval inmate dies after missing transplant medication

Jail staff knew Dexter Barry needed “urgent” transplant medication last November but never gave the medicine to him, new Duval…