Nancy Guan - WUSF
Featured image for “Teacher unions say pay raise isn’t enough”
Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a news conference May 9, 2023, to sign several education bills and increases in teacher pay. | Rebecca Blackwell, AP
June 11, 2024

Teacher unions say pay raise isn’t enough

Florida ranks near the bottom nationwide in average teacher salaries, according to the Florida Education Association.…

Featured image for “Advocates worry more public schools could become charters”
February 12, 2024

Advocates worry more public schools could become charters

A legislative bill would allow muncipalities to apply to convert public schools within city boundaries into charters.…

Featured image for “Florida’s surgeon general calls for halt in COVID-19 vaccines”
Gov. Ron DeSantis listens to Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo during an appearance Sept. 7, 2023, in Jacksonville. | Will Brown, Jacksonville Today
January 4, 2024

Florida’s surgeon general calls for halt in COVID-19 vaccines

The statement from Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo contradicts recommendations from federal health agencies.…

Featured image for “Mandatory school recess won’t be scrubbed after all”
December 20, 2023

Mandatory school recess won’t be scrubbed after all

Florida legislators nixed part of a larger education bill that would have taken away the mandatory recess period.…

Featured image for “Voucher delays frustrate families and schools”
September 25, 2023

Voucher delays frustrate families and schools

Some Florida students still have not received their private school vouchers, and it’s putting their schools in dire straits.…

Featured image for “Florida’s education policies chase away college faculty”
Students walk by Century Tower on the University of Florida campus in Gainesville. | Sam Thomas, Fresh Take Florida
September 13, 2023

Florida’s education policies chase away college faculty

Nearly half of the 642 Florida faculty surveyed said they plan to seek employment in another state within the next…