Downtown drivers can expect months of delays as crews begin to convert Adams and Forsyth streets back to two-way streets.
Forsyth has already been reduced to one lane to allow resurfacing. Adams will be reduced to one lane starting March 1.
After 60 days, the lane closures will shift to the other side of each street.
Returning the one-way streets to two-way traffic has been a priority in the city master plan, said Lori Boyer, CEO of the Downtown Investment Authority.
“This change will take a little patience and adjustment, but will ultimately benefit streetfront retail, make Downtown more walkable, and has been shown to increase property values,” Boyer said.

The work runs four blocks east of Main Street to Liberty Street and seven blocks west to Jefferson Street.
The project includes sidewalk expansion and parking kiosks, followed by tree planting and enhanced streetscapes, paid with dedicated tax increment funding from the DIA.
Boyer said underground work and signals are nearly complete. Once resurfacing and striping are completed, the streets will convert to two-way traffic.