Annie R. Morgan Elementary may be forever padlocked if the Duval County School Board approves a district plan to close the school after the end of the 2024 academic year. | Will Brown, Jacksonville Today

NUMBER OF THE WEEK | Proposed school closures

Published on September 26, 2024 at 5:21 pm
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Duval Schools administrators presented a near-final version of their new master facility plan to a focus group on Tuesday. Over the next 15 years, the district plans to close a number of schools. And that number is our number this week:


Six elementary schools are new to the list of planned closures for the end of the current school year. They join R.V. Daniels Elementary, whose closure is already approved and in progress, as well as Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary, which closed in 2023, and Pine Estates Elementary, which closed this June.

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The next six recommended closures and R.V. Daniels are highlighted in teal on the list:

The plan is also expected to affect some special programs: closing the Young Men’s and Women’s Leadership Academy currently offered at Eugene Butler and moving the Bridge to Success academies to Butler. The district is also considering moving the GRASP Academy magnet program to the more centrally located building of Don Brewer Elementary. And if Stilwell Middle School closes as the district is proposing, its military leadership academy magnet program could move to Ed White High, which would transition into a 6-12 grade school.

author image Reporter email Megan Mallicoat is a Jacksonville Today reporter focusing on education. Her professional experience includes teaching at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications, as well as editing, communications management, web design, and graphic design. She has a doctorate in mass communication with an emphasis in social psychology from UF. In her "free time," you'll most likely find her on the sidelines of some kind of kids’ sports practice, holding a book.

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