Lori Boyer is CEO of the Downtown Investment Authority. | Jacksonville Daily RecordLori Boyer is CEO of the Downtown Investment Authority. | Jacksonville Daily Record
Lori Boyer is CEO of the Downtown Investment Authority. | Jacksonville Daily Record

DIA chief raises concerns about Downtown committee

Published on July 9, 2024 at 12:11 pm
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The City Council’s Special Committee on the Future of Downtown is hindering the Downtown Investment Authority’s ability to work on projects, DIA CEO Lori Boyer said Monday.

Then-Council President Ron Salem created the special committee in April to examine the DIA and elements involved in the progress of Downtown revitalization, which he described in a memo as “at best, debatable.” It has met twice, May 12 and June 10.

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The committee could recommend changes to how DIA is funded and how it works with developers.

Read the rest of this story at the Jacksonville Daily Record, a Jacksonville Today news partner.

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