
ARTS PICKS | April 5-7

Published on April 4, 2024 at 9:58 am
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Jacksonville Today Arts and Culture Editor Matt Shaw shares his arts and culture picks for the weekend.


Bab’s Lab Grand Slam

CoRK Arts District | Riverside 

On Friday evening, narrative performance guru Barbara Colaciello’s popular Bab’s Lab Story Slam series brings together an all-star crew of recent winners for the grand slam of friendly storytelling competitions. Each member of the storyteller lineup – Daniel Austin, Tricia Booker, Andrew Dickson and Eva Grayzel, among others – will tell a five-minute story based on the theme flood of breath. Local songwriter and musician Grant Neilsen will also perform. Show starts at 8 p.m. (doors open at 7:15). Tickets: $18. More information

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Douglas Anderson Writer’s Festival 

Douglas Anderson School of the Arts | Spring Park

For three decades the literature-focussed nonprofit Douglas Anderson Writers’ Guild has brought in renowned authors and poets (including Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates, George Saunders, Billy Collins and Tracy K. Smith) for a full day of writers’ workshops, readings and Q&A’s. This year’s Douglas Anderson Writer’s Festival features poets Nicole Sealy (Ordinary Beast) and David Kirby (The House on Boulevard St.: New and Selected Poems); fiction writers Deesha Philyaw (The Secret Lives of Church Ladies) and Dantiel Moniz (Milk Blood Heat); and the playwright Jacquelyn Reingold, among others. The event is held from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Here’re the full list of visiting writers and tickets for workshops and evening readings.


Orchestra Noir 

Florida Theatre | Downtown Jacksonville 

The Atlanta-based classical-meets-hip-hop ensemble Orchestra Noir has provided classical accompaniment to an all-star cast of popular artists, including Rick Ross, 2Chainz, Migos, Trick Daddy and Trina. On Saturday, the group brings a symphony of R&B and hip-hop classics to the Florida Theatre. Tickets and more information

author image Arts & Culture Editor email Matthew Shaw is a writer, editor and musician. His writing has appeared in Folio Weekly, Edible Northeast Florida, The Surfer's Journal, and SURFER Magazine, and he's reported on national stories for The New York Times. He was previously editor in chief of the Void Magazine.

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