A softball coach in Orange Park secretly recorded a female player in the shower at his home, the U.S. Attorney’s Office says.
Andrew Lynn Overheul pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of production and attempted production of child sexual abuse material. He faces 15 to 60 years in prison when sentenced.
The 12-year-old girl was at Overheul’s home for a softball team party in September 2022, according to a plea agreement.
Overheul told the girl she could take a shower, prosecutors said, and she spotted a phone recording her. She stopped the recording, deleted the video, put the phone back and called her parents to pick her up. A parent called the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.
Investigators interviewed Overheul the next day, and he confirmed that his cellphone was in the bathroom. He said it was there to recharge. But a search of the phone found two photos of several girls from the team wearing swimsuits in his living room. It also showed the download of an app allowing the cellphone’s camera to record remotely.
No date has been set for Overheul’s sentencing.